20 December 2011

Semester Projects, Part One~

Hello everyone, it's been awhile and I apologize for that~
This past school semester was really tough. There was lots to do in the sewing department, but  the good thing is, now I have several awesome garments in my closet, and wonderful things to share!

First off, my Knitwear Design Flat Patternmaking class.
This semester was all about knitwear; sweater knits, jersey knits, and stretch fabrics. All of the garments I made (as well as designed in Fashion Art class) this semester we're made of knit and stretch fabrics with the exception of one, (which will be shared in Part Two~)

We were required to have a semester concept, in which I chose what I referred to as "Scandinavian Forest Girl", which was basically the Japanese subculture fashions, Morigirl and Natural Kei, in very obvious disguise, haha. 
(Don't know about morigirl and want to know more? Check out my friend Martha's blog xmossgardenx.blogspot.com/

I figure why not get some garments I can actually wear in my everyday wardrobe out of this right?

Here's my Mood x Inspiration page...

In total I made 6 garments for this class, three of which being for a final ensemble. Out of the remaining 3, I only liked the two of them, a top and a dirndl skirt. I'd forgotten to get a photo of the skirt, but it's fairly plain, just ivory cotton jersey with a ruffle at the bottom. Very good for simple layering.

But here's the top...

Green Cable Knit Wool fabric~
I'm very pleased with it! 
My friends say i look like a flower when I wear it, haha.

Now for my final ensemble, a long cardigan, a rib knit top, and a tiered skirt, all different gauge knits!

The hat I also made myself, crocheted, but I did that awhile back. I also crocheted the flowers that I sewed onto the cardigan, and made that leaf sash. This outfit is super comfortable, exactly how morigirl should be!

This is one of two posts! Look out fot the next one tomorrow!

My winter break has once again began, and I hope I manage to sew a couple of things even though in reality I want to be lazy and do nothing all day. Well not nothing, but I think I'll spend my days crocheting, teaching myself to knit, and doing other crafts :)