04 August 2013

Part 4: What's Next for Dixmacabre?

Hello everyone! I'm working hard again to keep this blog up to date. As the years went on, and as my life was often busy due to schoolwork, my online presence as a lolita, and a lolita seamstress has sort of dwindled away. I hope I haven't been forgotten about!

As you all know now, lolita fashion is not my only passion in life when it comes to sewing and designing. My love for Children's Fashion has really come to fruition in the recent years and it has seemingly taken over, but fear not, I never see myself throwing in the towel on Lolita Fashion forever (so sit tight because I have an upcoming completion)

Since I've graduated I've been working in the industry, interning at a Girls fashion company called Kahn Lucas and Lancaster under the brand Dollie & Me, where I assist the designer and her technical team to make garments for girl and her matching doll come to life. I enjoy it there. The people are nice and I'm always busy.

But I always think ahead, and I know that one day I want to design on my own and at my own accord.

And with that I bring amazing news. 

Today I'm going public with a grand project I've been a part of...

Lilith et Adalia - Girls Dress Online Shop on Etsy!

Lilith et Adalia is a brand me and my dearest friend Jen came up with and are now collaborating on as Children's Wear designers, along with the assistance of another friend of ours, Kim, who is an illustrator and graphic artist (she designed the beautiful frame for our logo!) As of now we are in the early stages of preparing for Spring 2014. Already we have designed the 12 total dresses for the line, bought fabrics, and came up with ideas for accessories to compliment them. The dresses will be in Size 5-6 as it is our frist release, but as seasons go on we hope to expand into more sizes.

Our theme for Spring 2014 is called...
~ Petit Antoinette ~

All our dresses will be handmade by us in their entirety with care and intricate craftsmanship.

But we can't be truly successful without the help and support of friends online through social media and blogging, which is pretty much our only marketing base.

You can find us on all of these sites!
(Actual Shop Debut February 2014)

(Regular updates on progress and promo material)

(Our constant flow of inspirational images, quotes, music, and more)

(Detailed updates select Sundays at 12 PM EST)

(Interactive Mood Board)

(Mini updates)

Likes, Shares, Follows, Reblogs are all appreciated. We can't reach potential without you all! 

Our goal is to create a real Girls Lifestyle Brand, that evokes whimsy, love for everything vintage and decadent, elegant, and sweet. We also promote a girls creativity and self expression through fashion and the shamelessness in embracing femininity as she chooses to. 

Ultimately we will be living and breathing everything Lilith et Adalia, along with juggling life and career, which isn't easy, but with balance and dedication, as well as pacing ourselves, we can really make our dreams a reality. We have so much planned to share with you.

I thank all of you that have been following my blog over the years, admiring my work, and giving me feedback. I cannot express how much I appreciate it and going forward my skills can only improve. I hope to provide you all with more inspiration and insight.

I hope you all love my Children's Wear just as much as you did my Lolita Clothing, and again there will always be Lolita garments popping up on here now and then! Stay tuned!